Sun, 30 December 2012
Doug sits down with actress/comedian Pam Murphy (Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, 30 Rock, Happy Endings) to talk roller blades, sun dresses, and a surprisingly effective workout technique.
Sun, 16 December 2012
It's a holiday special as Doug sits down with comedian Julie Brister (Onion News Network, Upright Citizens Brigade) for part 2 of their conversation. Julie talks about her heartless boss, and Julie's even more heartless revenge!
Sun, 9 December 2012
Doug sits down with writer/comedian Dan Gregor (How I Met Your Mother, NTSF:SD:SUV) to talk about the NBC Page program, Brandeis University and the ultimate revenge of the nerds.
Sun, 25 November 2012
Doug sits down with his fiance, actress/writer/comedian Nicole Shabtai (How I Met Your Mother, Upright Citizens Brigade) to talk about opening up about poop, Israeli sushi, and the consequences of eating like a 5 year old who's desperate for attention.
Sun, 18 November 2012
Doug sits down with writer/comedian Alex Blagg (BajillionHits.Biz) to talk LSD, New Orleans, and a school-trip trip gone awry.
Sun, 11 November 2012
Old roomates reunite as Doug sits down with writer/actor/comedian Curtis Gwinn (NTSF:SD:SUV, Fat Guy Stick In The Internet) to talk heavy drinking, nomadic taxi rides, and what happens when you fall asleep in the shower.
Sun, 4 November 2012
Doug sits down with comedian Julie Brister (Onion News Network, Upright Citizens Brigade) to talk about the legacy of pooping, green tea ice cream, and a long and dangerous flight of stairs.
Sun, 28 October 2012
Doug sits down with writer/comedian/actress Ingrid Haas (Chelsea Lately, UCB) to talk Dirty Chai Tea's, LA traffic, and the mental and physical pressures of running late for a career changing meeting.
Sun, 21 October 2012
Doug sits down with writer Nate Federman (Ugly Americans, Awkward) to talk about the pressures of impressing your girlfriend's family, bathroom to living space proximity, and the dangers of leaving a sub in the car too long.
Sun, 14 October 2012
Doug sits down with actor/writer/comedian/plus sized model The Fat Jew (Vice Magazine, Boyfriends) to talk about saving face in high school, guilt, and the power of delayed revenge.
Sun, 7 October 2012
Doug sits down with actress/writer Tess Paras (Dirty Talk Dating, Weeds) to talk tea, princess aspirations, and the pressures of dancing in a cartoon character costume.
Sun, 30 September 2012
Doug sits down with actress/comedian Eliza Coupe (Happy Endings) to talk dating etiquette, accidents, and growing up with an untrustworthy colon.
Sun, 23 September 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comedian Jon Daly (Funny or Die, Comedy Central) to talk dark days as an up and coming comedian, working as a barista, and an unlocked woman's restroom.
Sun, 16 September 2012
Doug sits down with writer Brad Copeland (Arrested Development, Wild Hogs, The Imbetweeners) to talk drum majoring, pooper's agoraphobia, and a Cirque du Soleil scare of nightmarish proportions.
Sun, 9 September 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comedian Mary Holland (Story Pirates, Upright Citizens Brigade Theater), to talk Hollywood dreams, dog walking nightmares, and the pros and cons of jeggings.
Sun, 2 September 2012
Doug sits down with comedian/actor John Gemberling (Fat Guy Stuck in the Internet) to talk about his unique relationship etiquette, country homes, and what to do in the absence of running water.
Sun, 26 August 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comedian/writer Paul Scheer to talk about undiagnosed food allergies, fancy hotels, and the happiest place on earth to poop.
Sun, 19 August 2012
Doug sits down with screen and TV writer, Sam Pitman, to talk jerk chicken, spring break, and the only road back to school that can handle a 0 to 60 in 3 seconds.
Sun, 12 August 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comedian Chris Smith (Paranormal Activity 3, 30 Rock, The Office) to talk weight gainer, an overtaxed digestive system, and "waiting for the call."
Sun, 5 August 2012
Doug sits down with writer/comedian George Sloan (How I Met Your Mother) to talk hotel bathrooms and a very unique type of bullying...with a twist!
Sun, 29 July 2012
Doug sits down with comedian/actress Ashley Hale (Upright Citizens Brigade Theater) to talk Halloween Birthdays, Tequila shots, and an unsolved mystery that will leave you wondering for years to come.
Sun, 22 July 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comeidan Zack Pearlman (The Inbetweeners, The Virginity Hit) to talk liquid diets, gym shorts, and what it means to loose trust in your own body.
Sun, 15 July 2012
Doug sits down with writer/director Phil Lord (21 Jump Street, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) to talk about a star studded super bowl party, a uniquely designed home, and the thrill of meeting Weird Al. (Please ignore any previous versions of this episode, as it was initially published in an incomplete form due to a technical error. THIS ONE is the correct, full and complete version.)
Sun, 8 July 2012
Doug sits down with writer Kate Purdy (Cougar Town) to talk about the dangerous water in Mexico, cheap parents, and the art of living on a toilet.
Sun, 1 July 2012
Doug sits down with Josh Weiner (High Road, Downton Arby's) to talk about the hollywood dream, orson wells, and social anxiety poop attack for the ages.
Sun, 24 June 2012
Doug sits down with writer/show creator Kyle Killen (Lone Star, Awake) to talk ill adviced street food, crab walking, and the delicate science of timing your pants removal.
Sun, 17 June 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comedian Joe Spellman to talk childhood holding, laxative sabotage, and the psychological power of youthful leaking.
Sun, 10 June 2012
Doug sits down with comedian/actor Ben Rogers to discuss a break up inspired, mac and cheese and antibiotic fueled, long and lonely walk over the Williamsburg bridge.
Sun, 3 June 2012
Doug sits down with writer/actor Tim Curcio to talk fondue, silk boxers, and a seventh grade birthday party explosion.
Sun, 27 May 2012
Doug sits down with writer Lauren Pomerantz (Saturday Night Live, Community), to talk about a nice little day trip to Brooklyn and a subway ride home that didn't quite go as planned.
Sun, 20 May 2012
Doug sits down with Matt Zinman (How I Met Your Mother) to talk keg parties, flip cup, and poop story that made it to the big leagues.
Sun, 13 May 2012
Doug sits down with Ali Waller (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, The Showbiz Show) to talk about ill-advised rafting excursions, fancy outhouses, and what it means to be a true leader.
Sun, 6 May 2012
Doug sits down with Paul Downs (Diary of Zac Efron, Paulilu Productions) to talk about ghost shits, poop analysis, and the battle of bowel vs. libido.
Sun, 29 April 2012
Doug sits down with Rob Kerkovich (Happy Endings) to discuss the perils of non-Philly Philly cheesesteaks, promised threesomes, and one long and lonely train ride to Boston.
Direct download: Doodie_Calls_with_Doug_Mand_-_Rob_Kerkovich.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:30pm PST
Sun, 22 April 2012
Doug sits down with actor/comedian Adam Pally (Happy Endings), to discuss their not-so-sanitary time as roommates, the dangers of sharing a bed with another man, and a family road trip gone horribly wrong.
Direct download: Doodie_Calls_with_Doug_Mand_-_Adam_Pally.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:30pm PST
Sun, 15 April 2012
Doug sits down with comedian/actor Jamie Lee as she tells us her coming of age run-in with bagels, Bar Mitzvahs and a stomach pain never before known.
Direct download: Doodie_Calls_with_Doug_Mand_-_Jamie_Lee.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00pm PST
Sun, 8 April 2012
Doug talks with drummer and percussionist Brian Rosenworcel from the band Guster about the ever-perilous bathroom habits of a touring musician.
Direct download: Doodie_Calls_with_Doug_Mand_-_Brian_Rosenworcel.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 12:00pm PST
Sun, 1 April 2012
Doug sits down with Greg Tuculescu (Bridesmaids, I Love You Man, The Office, UCB Theater) to talk about international children's beach fashion, Gypsies, and one magical romanian poop.
Sun, 25 March 2012
Doug talks with actor/writer/comedian Gil Ozeri (Happy Endings, UCB Theater) about the pressures of running late and his unfortunate run-in with a Filene's Basement.
Sun, 18 March 2012
Doug sits down with comedian and improvisor Jim Woods (Boom Chicago, Upright Citizens Brigade Theater) to discuss the perils and glory of a poop, neglect, and true motherly love.
Sat, 10 March 2012
In the first episode of Doodie Calls with Doug Mand, Doug sits down with long-time friend and writing partner, Dan Gregor (How I Met Your Mother), to talk about how an unwanted doodie brought Dan and his girlfriend closer than ever before.
Direct download: Doodie_Calls_with_Doug_Mand_-_Dan_Gregor.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 7:28pm PST