Doodie Calls with Doug Mand
Comedian and writer Doug Mand (How I Met Your Mother, UCB Theater) talks with other comedians about their most embarrassing and horrifying bathroom attacks and other unflattering experiences.
Doodie Calls - Kenya Barris

Doug sits down with Kenya Barris (Blackish) to talk fancy hotel bathrooms, hip-hop royalty, and the importance of moms.

Direct download: Doodie_Calls_-_Kenya_Barris.mp3
Category:comedy -- posted at: 6:21pm PDT

  • Hi All im newbie here. Good article! Thx! Thx!

    posted by: MartinKek on 2018-04-12 19:07:12

  • Wow, a whole year with no doodie calls :( I've checked consistently like twice a week during the entire past year and no luck, that's too bad, not even a proper farewell ep for all the shitheads. Thanks for all the eps though, a true classic podcast.

    posted by: Jonathan F. on 2016-10-04 19:18:08

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